
Thursday 12 March 2015

The Joy of Giving!

There was this time when i was very depressed, and did'nt know what to do with my life. I  had a good job and wonderful colleagues. Frankly speaking, i didn't know what the problem was except that i was lonely (not alone). I had somehow distanced myself from my family, and friends for no reason at all and didn't know how to come back. I used to complain, to everybody and about everything and nothing seemed right.

A friend of mine said that may be i should start giving more than expecting from others. it worked. I started by giving time and attention to people who needed it. I started by supporting some of my colleagues who needed my help at work. (not doing their work, but work together to overcome some challenges they had) i gave  my time to raise funds  for women groups and organizations in the area, and volunteered at the women's rights organization by attending clients who needed legal aid. The result was priceless, and feeling was good. i loved it!

Giving is not about materials or money only, but also what you extend to those who need them. A smile, time, a hug, kiss or a help, given with all the heart without looking back and regret is enough blessing to keep one going for a year. It is you who give who is helped, more than those who receive. The satisfaction upon giving and the feeling is not something money can buy someone can give you!

My learning: give without thinking, not for help but because the inner you feel good by giving. And yeah, there are ungrateful people who will stub you after giving them, ( a friend of mine was insulted by a homeless man after giving him one thousand shillings while she was driving expensive car)  but do not stop, keep on giving, the reward is priceless, heart warming and blessing. It is a joy i cannot explain, because i know it!

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