
Monday 27 June 2016

When you are on Cross Roads- And Non of the Roads Seem to be Right

Here i am! On Cross Roads! I have been going through an emotional turmoil lately, trying to find what i need in life... Wondering if i am in the right job, although the pay is good and it puts food on my table. Or i should just quit and start my own business, where  long term financial stability is guaranteed if i put enough sweat, blood and brain. I sure im in cross roads.

And while this is happening, i know, it  fear is what is holding me back. (and dont roll your eyes now, it is true)  The comfort of waking up in the morning, knowing what you will do and the guarantee that by the end of the month i will get paid, is holding me back(and i think many others) . And i wonder if i really really want to get out of this mess, what should i do?

I read one day in one of those social media posts which goes around to any one, (and i get lots of them) that statistically, people who have attained higher level of education, are poor. Well, not practically, like they live under one dollar per day, but literally. They work all  day, earn money for someone else, they struggle with mortgages, and college debts, and bank debts, and the salary that would not round a month. Because they live a poor life in the inside and rich one  in the outside... And there comes me..... my reality!

If you ask me,  what i want? I want lot of things, i want the courage to be able to do what is right, i want financial sustainability, not the money every month which will end at the end of three years contract. I want to be sure that my family will be okay even if i quit my job today, i want to be able to see tomorrow, with confidence that everything will be okay, and most important of all, i want to achieve something for myself. It is a lot, but that is my wish list, at least for now. It is the cross road and it scares the hell out of me!

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